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《Gold In Them Hills》Coldplay

3年前 (2021-10-17)LRC歌词下载74

歌曲名称:《Gold In Them Hills》,演唱歌手《Coldplay》,歌曲专辑《A Rush of BLOOD to head》,发行时间:2003年9月 查看歌曲上传者。

歌词大全网站为您提供了由Coldplay演唱出自专辑《A Rush of BLOOD to head》的《Gold In Them Hills》歌曲的完整版歌词,以及Gold In Them Hills的英文歌词,Gold In Them Hills的LRC歌词下载,还包括了Gold In Them Hills的简体中文版歌词和Gold In Them Hills的繁体中文版歌词。

Gold In Them Hills歌词完整版



I know it doesn't seem that way

But maybe it's the perfect day

Even though the bills are piling

And maybe Lady Luck ain't smiling

But if we'd only open our eyes

We'd see the blessings in disguise

That all the rain clouds are fountains

Though our troubles seem like mountains

There's gold in them hills

There's gold in them hills

So don't lose heart

Give the day a chance to start

Every now and then life says

Where do you think you're going so fast

We're apt to think it cruel but sometimes

It's a case of cruel to be kind

And if we'd get up off our knees

Why then we'd see the forest for the trees

And we'd see the new sun rising

Over the hills on the horizon

There's gold in them hills

There's gold in them hills

So don't lose faith

Give the world a chance to say...

A word or two, my friend

There's no telling how the day might end

And we'll never know until we see

That there's gold in them hills

There's gold in them hills

So don't lose heart

Give the day a chance to start

There's gold in them hills...

There's gold in them hills...

Gold In Them Hills的英文歌词

ge shou :Coldplay

ge ci chu chu :www.green-wind.cn

I know it doesn't seem that way

But maybe it's the perfect day

Even though the bills are piling

And maybe Lady Luck ain't smiling

But if we'd only open our eyes

We'd see the blessings in disguise

That all the rain clouds are fountains

Though our troubles seem like mountains

There's gold in them hills

There's gold in them hills

So don't lose heart

Give the day a chance to start

Every now and then life says

Where do you think you're going so fast

We're apt to think it cruel but sometimes

It's a case of cruel to be kind

And if we'd get up off our knees

Why then we'd see the forest for the trees

And we'd see the new sun rising

Over the hills on the horizon

There's gold in them hills

There's gold in them hills

So don't lose faith

Give the world a chance to say...

A word or two, my friend

There's no telling how the day might end

And we'll never know until we see

That there's gold in them hills

There's gold in them hills

So don't lose heart

Give the day a chance to start

There's gold in them hills...

There's gold in them hills...

Gold In Them HillsLRC歌词(简体)

I know it doesn't seem that way

But maybe it's the perfect day

Even though the bills are piling

And maybe Lady Luck ain't smiling

But if we'd only open our eyes

We'd see the blessings in disguise

That all the rain clouds are fountains

Though our troubles seem like mountains

There's gold in them hills

There's gold in them hills

So don't lose heart

Give the day a chance to start

Every now and then life says

Where do you think you're going so fast

We're apt to think it cruel but sometimes

It's a case of cruel to be kind

And if we'd get up off our knees

Why then we'd see the forest for the trees

And we'd see the new sun rising

Over the hills on the horizon

There's gold in them hills

There's gold in them hills

So don't lose faith

Give the world a chance to say...

A word or two, my friend

There's no telling how the day might end

And we'll never know until we see

That there's gold in them hills

There's gold in them hills

So don't lose heart

Give the day a chance to start

There's gold in them hills...

There's gold in them hills...

Gold In Them HillsLRC歌词(繁体)

I know it doesn't seem that way

But maybe it's the perfect day

Even though the bills are piling

And maybe Lady Luck ain't smiling

But if we'd only open our eyes

We'd see the blessings in disguise

That all the rain clouds are fountains

Though our troubles seem like mountains

There's gold in them hills

There's gold in them hills

So don't lose heart

Give the day a chance to start

Every now and then life says

Where do you think you're going so fast

We're apt to think it cruel but sometimes

It's a case of cruel to be kind

And if we'd get up off our knees

Why then we'd see the forest for the trees

And we'd see the new sun rising

Over the hills on the horizon

There's gold in them hills

There's gold in them hills

So don't lose faith

Give the world a chance to say...

A word or two, my friend

There's no telling how the day might end

And we'll never know until we see

That there's gold in them hills

There's gold in them hills

So don't lose heart

Give the day a chance to start

There's gold in them hills...

There's gold in them hills...

Gold In Them Hills歌词完整版(繁体)



I know it doesn't seem that way

But maybe it's the perfect day

Even though the bills are piling

And maybe Lady Luck ain't smiling

But if we'd only open our eyes

We'd see the blessings in disguise

That all the rain clouds are fountains

Though our troubles seem like mountains

There's gold in them hills

There's gold in them hills

So don't lose heart

Give the day a chance to start

Every now and then life says

Where do you think you're going so fast

We're apt to think it cruel but sometimes

It's a case of cruel to be kind

And if we'd get up off our knees

Why then we'd see the forest for the trees

And we'd see the new sun rising

Over the hills on the horizon

There's gold in them hills

There's gold in them hills

So don't lose faith

Give the world a chance to say...

A word or two, my friend

There's no telling how the day might end

And we'll never know until we see

That there's gold in them hills

There's gold in them hills

So don't lose heart

Give the day a chance to start

There's gold in them hills...

There's gold in them hills...

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